Enhancing Business Protection and Growth: Credit Specialties Explained

In the realm of insurance, finding the perfect fit for your business needs can be challenging. However, with Credit Specialties, we offer policyholders a unique blend of expertise and flexibility, providing the best of both worlds.


As a leading credit insurer with a global presence, we bring forth our extensive experience and data intelligence to tailor policies to meet individual risks while adapting to the ever-changing economic and geopolitical landscape.

Single Situation Cover

One of the standout offerings of Credit Specialties is its Single Situation cover offering a safety net for businesses engaged in large contracts or key relationships. Whether it’s safeguarding against non-payment in single large contracts or mitigating risk concentration, this specialized policy addresses specific needs with precision.

Comprehensive Trade Finance Support

Trade finance is the lifeblood of global commerce, and Credit Specialties recognizes the diverse needs of financial institutions in supporting trade activities. From receivables purchase facilities to structured financing, we provide comprehensive coverage against various financial risks including non-honoring of Letters of Credit and non-delivery of pre-paid goods. This ensures that businesses can engage in trade with confidence, backed by robust insurance support.

Global Presence, Local Support

Behind the scenes, Credit Specialties boasts a dedicated team spread across strategic locations worldwide. Atradius has offices located in key cities such as London, Paris, New York, and Singapore, ensuring that our solutions are not just tailored, but also accessible to businesses on a global scale.  Furthermore, our presence in North and South America is bolstered by our team in Baltimore allowing us to offer localized support to clients in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Brazil. Through close collaboration with policyholders and their brokers/agents, we strive to seamlessly integrate our solutions with their risk analysis and credit management capabilities ultimately fortifying their business resilience in an unpredictable world.

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If this seems right for you, reach out to our Credit Specialties.